Free Wellbeing Resources to Live Your Best Life

Are you looking for free resources to improve your wellbeing and live more aligned with your values? From mini-courses to transformative workshops, my site offers a variety of complimentary wellbeing tools to support you on your journey.

You will learn different practices likeĀ  EFT (Tapping), Mindfulness, Meditations, Guided Relaxation, Journalling and much more with my Free Wellbeing Resources

Whether you're seeking more calm, confidence, freedom, or just a greater zest for living, these complimentary resources can be your gateway to lasting wellbeing. Simply sign up on my email list to get notified when new workshops and courses become available.

Check which of these Free Wellbeing Resource is Right for You

Don't put your joy on hold a moment longer. Start prioritizing your wellbeing today with these free, self-paced offerings. Imagine how it will feel to move through your days energized and in sync. That's the gift of living life in alignment.




"Living Life in Alignment" mini-course

"Living Life in Alignment" is a mini-course designed to help you achieve alignment in your lives setting up a daily routine that will support you along your journey. It includes 4 x videos and workbooks on Breathing, EFT, Meditation and Prayer


"Stress Release" Workshop

Are you feeling overwhelmed, drained, and tense from chronic stress? You're not alone.This workshop provides an opportunity to invest in your precious self-care, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It includes 70 mins video with breathwork, mindfulness, movement, EFT practices.


"Sparkle Your "Self-Love" Workshop

Unlock the secrets to unwavering self-love and embrace your truest self. Join my "Sparkle Your Self-Love" workshop to cultivate profound self-acceptance and radiant confidence. It includes 70 mins video with EFT and Meditation practices.


"Let Go and Embrace Change" Workshop

Do you want to let go of limiting beliefs and feelings of unworthiness that block you from embracing happiness? If so, my "LET GO AND EMBRACE CHANGE" workshop is for you. It includes 70 mins video with Mindfulness, EFT and other "letting go" practices.


How To Manifest Workshop

Are you ready to start consciously creating the life you truly want? In this workshop, I'll share transformative methods to help you manifest your deepest desires. It includes 70 mins video with theory and practices.


"101 Wishes Technique" exercise

Do you know what you really want? If you struggle with not knowing what you want in life, this powerful exercise will stretch your mind to the limit to expand and go beyond your limitations and break down all barriers. Get clear on what you want in life.


"I am grateful" exercise

When you wrap yourself in true gratitude and appreciation it's like you're screaming out to the Universe, I want more, I'm ready for good things. Each thank you is like a magic word that brings back to you all the good you deserve. Feeling good is your birthright!


"I AM" exercise

Activate and awaken the part of the brain that focuses on looking at beauty. The beauty inside and outside of you. Allow to connect with your higher self which is inspiring, supporting, motivating, loving and powerful beyond measure. Star from you. start from I AM.


Positive Affirmations Meditation

Your intention is to start reprogramming your subconscious mind, downloading different programmes and basically replacing the old negative beliefs with more positive supporting ones. You also want to become more aware of the words and language you use towards yourself. Reprogram your subconscious mind with positive affirmations!




"Stress Release Techniques" videos

When we get stressed, the sympathetic nervous system activates and our brain is so powerful that it starts producing stress chemicals like adrenalin and cortisol. In this series of videos I'll share some breathing, mindfulness and body techniques to help you self-regulate. Learn how to keep you calm and relaxed!



Want a more personalised help?

If you want a more personalised 1 to 1 support claim your FREE consult. We'll discuss your current emotional challenges and how EFT tapping can help facilitate healing and empowerment.

Contact me to start awakening your best self today!