Heal From Childhood Traumas With EFT

With over a decade of experience in the holistic field, I am passionate about helping individuals overcome anxiety and stress guiding them on a journey to heal from childhood traumas. I use various techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Subconscious Reprogramming, Positive Affirmations, Hypnosis, Mindfulness practices, Breathing exercises, and Energy Healing. I offer one-on-one therapy sessions and also facilitate Corporate Wellbeing Workshops aimed at increasing Stress Awareness. My mission is to empower people to release stress and cultivate inner peace.

My Journey of Self-Love After Childhood Loss

Everything started when I became aware that in order to truly heal and be free from pain, I needed to learn how to love myself unconditionally. Furthermore It took me years to heal the wounds I carried, but that winding journey brought me here—finally free and ready to guide others! I know firsthand that while the road is long, healing your pain and feeling whole again is possible with commitment to shadow work and releasing old traumas.

Facing Loss and Healing From My Childhood Traumas

My own healing story began when I was 9 years old and lost my mother suddenly in a tragic accident. The shocking loss left an aching emptiness inside young me that quickly gave fruit to anxiety, criticism, depression and persistent feelings of not being “enough.” No space was made for grief or processing in my family; we simply carried on as if nothing happened. Over years the unresolved trauma and pain crystallized inside me, compelling me to seek self-healing practices and empowering guides to make sense of my shadows. I am now a Practitioner in EFT, NLP, Positive Affirmations, Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Energy Field Healing and Holistic Massage.

The Courageous Act of Healing Yourself

After walking the path of childhood loss and trauma, I can tell you unequivocally: you cannot be truly happy until you courageously face the pain you still carry. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the cost if I never address this rooted trauma?
  • How would my ideal life look if I healed this childhood wound?
  • What patterns or fears stop me from having what I want?
  • What is one small step I can take today toward freedom?

In fact, true self-healing takes courage, self-love and a willingness to face your shadows. But once you commit to your inner light, positive transformation will unfold. Freedom is a choice; happiness is a choice. Self-love and healing is a choice. My integrative practice using EFT, NLP and other modalities can guide your journey if you feel ready.


Reach Out for Empowerment

If my words resonate and you want kind, compassionate support on your path to heal childhood wounds or traumas, please reach out. I offer a free 30-minute clarity call to see if working together is a fit. You deserve to feel whole, free and joyful!